
Shines Even Without Grammy's Trophy | 5 BTS Iconic Moments at Grammy Awards 2022

April 08, 2022 0
BTS for Grammys 2022 - twitter.com/bts_bighit

Even though it's been a few days, there's nothing wrong with discussing BTS' iconic moments at the 2022 Grammys, right? 

So, this year, BTS was finally able to attend the Grammys in person at the MGM Garden Arena, Las Vegas, after last year they just attend it by online due to the pandemic.

Last year BTS was nominated in the Best Pop Duo/Group Performance category through their song “Dynamite”. And this year BTS again received the same nomination but through their song “Butter”.

It can be said that BTS's departure to Las Vegas experienced many obstacles. Like Seokjin who was announced to have an injury to his left index finger and was advised to undergo surgery due to a the tendons in the finger had been partially damaged. Followed by the announcement that J-Hope tested positive for Covid on March 24, 2022. Regarding these 2 things, Army was suddenly worried about their performance at the Grammys. Will they perform with full members or not.

The members flew to Las Vegas separately. Started with Jungkook who had left first for Vegas on March 27, 2022 with negative PCR results before flying. Then Jin, Suga, RM, Jimin and V followed the flight on March 28, 2022. Jin, who had just suffered an injury and had surgery, was still wearing a cast on his left hand. Then, another thing that worries Army even more is that on March 28, 2022, Jungkook tested positive for Covid after arriving in Las Vegas.

Seokjin in Airport with Cast in Hand - twitter.com/seokjinfile

On March 30, 2022, finally J-Hope was declared fully recovered from Covid and will fly after the other members to Vegas on April 2, 2022. Meanwhile, Jungkook, who was still positive, had made several Insta Stories which showed that he is fine and just needed to rest. And finally Jungkook was also declared fully recovered on April 3, 2022. With this, it is certain that BTS will perform at the Grammys on April 4 with full members.

Before performing at the Grammys, the members except Seokjin had attended the Silk Sonic concert. RM, Suga, Jimin and J-Hope posted their photos with Silk Sonic on their own Instagrams.

Jimin, Suga & RM with Silk Sonic - instagram.com/j.m

J-Hope, V & Jungkook with Anderson Paak - twitter.com/uarmyhope

On the day of the 2022 Grammy Awards, BTS performed stunningly and received a standing ovation from the guests. Several iconic moments were deliberately perpetuated by the camera and made Army hysterical. What are those moments? Let's check it out.

1. Seokjin Caught Attention with Cast in His Hand

BTS on Grammy Red Carpet with Seokjin and the Cast on His Hand - twitter.com/etnow

Like I just said that Seokjin just had an injury and surgery on his hand. Therefore, Seokjin still has to use the cast, including on the red carpet event and also during performances. Even though Seokjin hasn't done a full performance on stage yet, Jin's role as a hacker for Butter's opening performance still attracts the attention of fans and even non-fans. Seokjin is still stunning and looks good even while sitting as a hacker. However, in the last Chorus and Post-Chorus parts, Seokjin also danced with the other members.

Seokjin as a Hacker in he Opening Performance of Butter - twitter.com/etnow

The Ending Pose of Butter Performance - twitter.com/etnow

2. Jungkook "Fly" on the Grammy Stage

Remember when Jungkook "Fly" in his performance of "Euphoria" at the "Speak Yourself" concert in LA? Yup, this time at the Grammys, Jungkook again "fly" like James Bond who descended using a rope from a helicopter. Jungkook's appearance made Army hysterical seeing how cool Jungkook was.

Jungkook 'Flying' at Opening Butter Performance - twitter.com/JungkookAsia__

3. V Flirts With Olivia Rodrigo

V and Olivia Rodrigo Skit of Butter Opening Performance - twitter.com/PopBase

Still included in their Butter opening performance, this time V made Army excited by flirting with Olivia Rodrigo. The camera highlighted V who was sitting next to Olivia on the guest chair, then he whispered something that surprised Olivia and then V smoothly threw the card at Jungkook who was on stage.

Not only that, V again made the Army excited with his photos with Olivia with V's sharp gaze at the camera and Olivia smiling at the camera.

V with Olivia Rodrigo on Grammys - twitter.com/EliteDaily

V with Olivia Rodrigo on Grammys - getty images

4. Lady Gaga Moments with V

V Took a Picture with Lady Gaga on Grammys - twitter.com/THR

Still with V's action which always makes the Army excited. This time V approached Lady Gaga alone to meet and ask for a photo. During a live session with the other members after the Grammys ended, V said that he was a fan of Lady Gaga and had wanted to ask for a photo for a long time ago. V also said that Gaga likes and really supports BTS.

They also embraced warmly and Gaga was seen kissing V's cheek. Any Army get jealous of Gaga? 

Gaga Gave V a Warm Kiss on Cheek and Hug - twitter.com/THR

V and Lady Gaga Moments at Grammys - twitter.com/THR

5. BTS reunion with Meghan Thee Stallion

BTS moment with Meghan at Grammys - twitter.com/theestallion

As we all know, BTS has collaborated with Meghan for the song Butter Remix. Previously, BTS and Meghan had never met. Even Meghan once said that she was surprised that BTS knew her. With humility and humility, BTS said that of course they knew Meghan.

Their first meeting took place in New York a day after BTS appeared as Envoys of the President of the Republic of Korea to deliver a speech and perform "Permission to Dance" at the UN General Assembly.

Then, during the Permission to Dance concert in Los Angeles, Meghan came to bring Butter and it was their first performance on November 29, 2022.

And on April 4, they met again at the Grammy Awards.

BTS Moment with Meghan at Grammys - twitter.com/theestallion


And those are 5 BTS moments that I think are iconic at the 2022 Grammys. Even though they failed to bring home the Grammy trophy, their performances were praised by fans and even non-fans. Many media reports that BTS doesn't need a Grammy trophy, because they have shined and will continue to shine even without the trophy. The Rolling Stones say that BTS' Performance is the coolest thing that has ever happened in Vegas. Billboard even said that Butter's performance was the best performance at the Grammys that night. 




In addition to attending the Grammys, BTS's flight to Las Vegas is also to hold a concert. Today, BTS is having their "Permission to Dance" concert at Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas. The concerts will last 4 days on April 8 and 9 and continue on April 15 and 16.

-Cita N.W


Siti Latifah Herawati Diah: Wartawati Indonesia Pendiri Surat Kabar untuk Publikasikan Kemerdekaan

April 03, 2022 0

Hari ini, Minggu 3 April 2022, Google kembali mengenang salah satu tokoh wartawati berpengaruh di Indonesia lewat Google Doodle-nya. Jika sebelumnya Google Doodle mengenang Roehana Koeddoes (Wartawati pertama Indonesia) pada 8 Nopember 2021, kali ini Google Doogle kembali mengenang sosok tokoh Pers nasional Indonesia lainnya, Siti Latifah Herawati Diah.

Bagi yang bergelut di dunia Pers atau Jurnalisme, nama Siti Latifah Herawati Diah pastinya bukanlah nama yang asing didengar. Namun, buat yang belum tau siapa sih Siti Latifah ini, jangan skip tulisan ini, ya. Karena gue bakal bahas secara singkat sejarah beliau dan alasan kenapa Google Doodle menampilkannya hari ini.




Latar Belakang Siti Latifah Herawati Diah

Jadi, Siti Latifah Herawati Diah ini adalah tokoh Pers Nasional sekaligus pelaku sejarah di Indonesia yang meraih Penghargaan Bintang Mahaputera Utama di era pemerintahan Soeharto. Herawati lahir di Tanjung Pandan Belitung, 3 April 1917. Fondasi pendidikan yang tertanam pada Herawati sangat kuat. Ia tercatat pernah bersekolah di ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) di Salemba, Jakarta, dilanjutkan ke American High School di Tokyo, Jepang. Dan kemudian hijrah ke Amerika Serikat untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya di Barnard College yang berafiliasi dengan Universitas Columbia, dan mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Sosiologi. Lalu pada musim panas, Herawati menempuh pendidikan Jurnalistik di Universitas Berkeley, California. Dengan lancar Herawati dapat menyelesaikan keduanya dengan baik pada 1941. Menariknya, kala itu Herawati adalah wanita pribumi pertama yang berhasil lulus dari Universitas di luar negeri. Can you imagine how smart, Mrs. Herawati was?


Kuatnya fondasi pendidikan Herawati tidak lepas dari dukungan kedua orang tuanya yang merupakan orang terpandang. Ibunya, Siti Alimah binti Djojodikromo adalah keturunan bangsawan yang sempat mendirikan majalah berjudul “Doenia Kita” yang pada kala itu merupakan satu-satunya majalah wanita. Sedangkan ayahnya, Raden Latip adalah lulusan kedokteran Sekolah Dokter Stovia pada 1908. Begitu lulus dari Stovia, ia bekerja sebagai ahli medis di perusahaan tambang timah Belanda di Pulau Belitung.


historia.id - Herawati kecil dengan orang tuanya

Awal Karier Sebagai Jurnalis

Setahun selepas lulus dari Amerika Serikat, Herawati memulai karirnya sebagai seorang wartawati lepas di Kantor Berita United Press International (UPI). Kemudian, Herawati direkrut sebagai penyiar radio di Hoso Kyoku untuk siaran dengan Bahasa Inggris. (Fun Fact: Hoso Kyoku adalah cikal bakal terbentuknya RRI). Nah, di Radio Hoso Kyoku ini Herawati bertemu oleh Burhannudin Muhammad Diah (BM Diah) yang kemudian menjadi suaminya. Kala itu, BM Diah masih bekerja di Koran Asia Raja, dan belum menjadi Menteri Penerangan.

historia.id - Herawati sebagai wartawati

Ada cerita menarik yang gue kutip dari historia.id. Kala itu, BM Diah yang masih berusia 25 tahun membuat Herawati jatuh cinta dengan BM Diah yang menawarkan bantuan dengan kalimat "inilah aku, tidak punya gelar. Sekolahku sedang-sedang saja. Bolehkah aku mengangkat kopormu, Miss Latip?,"

Oh boy. Mr. Diah can make every girls crazy with his poetic sentence. Including me. Lol

BM Diah juga mengirimkan puisi-puisi gombalnya untuk Herawati dengan Bahasa Inggris untuk meluluhkan hati sang gais yang pernah berkuliah di Amerika tersebut. 

"Love is ageless

Written about, words are limitless

Love knows no extremity

Either Boundary "

He is so poetic. No wonder Mrs Diah fallin love with him.

historia.id - Herawati bersama suaminya, BM Diah


Berdirinya Harian Merdeka dan Indonesian Observer

Merasa bahwa kemerdekaan Indonesia perlu publikasi yang luas, maka Herawati bersama suaminya, BM Diah mendirikan Koran Harian Merdeka pada 1 Oktober 1945 untuk mendukung berita Nasional, khususnya berita kemerdekaan.

kabarlawas.com - Harian Merdeka tahun 1976

kompasiana.com - Harian Merdeka tahun 1947

10 tahun setelah berdirinya Harian Merdeka, Herawati dan BM Diah kembali mendirikan koran dengan judul “Indonesian Observer”. Bedanya, koran ini berisikan berita dengan Bahasa Inggris dan menjadi koran dengan Bahasa Inggris pertama di Indonesia. Indonesia Observer diterbitkan dan dibagikan pertama kali dalam Konferensi Asia Afrika di Bandung, Jawa Barat, pada 1955. Sayangnya, Indonesian Observer hanya bertahan sampai tahun 2001. Sedangkan Harian Merdeka berganti tangan pada akhir tahun 1999.

newsroomhistory.com - Harian Indonesian Observer

Kontribusi Herawati di Luar Jurnalistik

Tak hanya bergelut di bidang Jurnalisme Indonesia, Herawati juga banyak berkontribusi dalam organisasi-organisasi yang banyak membantu kemajuan masyarakat Indonesia khususnya perempuan dan anak-anak. Di antaranya adalah menjadi anggota Komnas Perempuan, Lingkar Budaya Indonesia, Gerakan Perempuan Sadar Pemilu, membangun TK di bawah Yayasan Bina Carita, Hasta Dasa Guna dan Women’s International Club.

Ketertarikannya dalam dunia menulis dan jurnalistik, ditambah dengan otaknya yang cerdas membuat Herawati menulis buku berjudul “An Endless Journey: Reflections of an Indonesian Journalist”. Dalam buku tersebut, Herawati mengatakan bahwa menurutnya, peran media sangat penting dalam mengisi kemerdekaan. Generasi 1945 telah menyalakan semangat kemerdekaan yang masih dirasakan saat ini untuk melawan ketidak adilan.


amazon.com - An Endless Journey: Reflections of an Indonesian Journalist

Penghargaan Herawati

Selain penerima Penghargaan Bintang Mahaputera Utama, Herawati juga mendapatkan penghargaan “Lifetime Achievement” atau “Prestasi sepanjang hayat” dari Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) pada 2011. Maka dari itu, Herawati dinobatkan sebagai tokoh nasional.

Herawati tutup usia pada 30 September 2016 di umurnya yang ke-99. Ia meninggal di 04.20 WIB, di Rumah Sakit Medistra, Jakarta, karena faktor usia dan komplikasi penyakit. Herawati kemudian dimakamkan di Taman Makam Pahlawan, Kalibata berdampingan dengan makan suaminya BM Diah.

Dilansir dari jpnn.com, perwakilan  Google mengatakan bahwa, “Karya Doodle hari ini merayakan warisan Herawati dan jalan yang dia buka untuk perempuan di Indonesia”.


Dari segala perjuangan Ibu Siti Latifah Herawati Diah, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa kegigihannya membangun jurnalistik Indonesia dalam usahanya menyebarkan kemerdekaan Indonesia sangat inspiratif. Beliau dan suaminya adalah cikal bakal hadirnya surat kabar-surat kabar yang berkualitas di Indonesia hingga sekarang. Perjuangannya untuk membagikan ilmu, tenaga dan pikiran untuk membangun Indonesia menjadi lebih baik lagi dapat kita contoh bahwa jangan pernah takut untuk memulai duluan.

Keyakinan Herawati terkait peran media untuk melawan ketidak adilan gue harap bisa diterapkan oleh media-media modern Indonesia saat ini. Karena semakin ke sini, semakin terlihat media-media tidak independen yang hanya berpihak pada pemilik media tersebut. Tak jarang masyarakat menjadi bimbang ketika media A berada di pihak A, sedang media B berada di pihak B. Lalu pihak mana yang benar? Pihak mana yang membela rakyat? Adakah yang berdiri menyuarakan keresahan rakyat?

So, let's end this writing with one of Herawaty's quote below: 




